Web Analytics Reading Roundup/Seth Book Winners

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readingroundup.jpgThere were some interesting stories this past week from the web analytics and internet marketing world. Here are some of my favorite stories/news/articles… check them out:

How Guinness Might Have Converted One Million –  Interesting story from FutureNow (great blog from the Eisenbergs) about Guiness’s online attempt’s to make St Patrick’s Day a national holiday.

StumbleUpon – Demographics and Returning Traffic Spikes – Article from SEOmoz (cool blog!) about how one of my favorite traffic generators actually generates some great return visits.

A look at Traffic to IRS.gov…. have you filled your taxes yet? – Check out the busiest peak time to the website… and its not when you think it would be!

Book Giveway Winners:
And here are the winners from my recent Seth Godin’s Meatball Sundae book giveaway. Congratulations to the winners! I will be emailing the following people to get their mailing address so I can send you your prizes:

poll_tree at yahoo
mark at markpinkerton
cgrant enlighten com

Thanks to everyone who entered!